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Home Selling Tips

Here are ten home selling tips to help you achieve success:

  • 1.       Enhance Curb Appeal: First impressions matter. Enhancement your home’s curb appeal by keeping the exterior well-maintained, adding fresh landscaping, and ensuring the entrance is inviting and attractive. For new Construction homes, let us help pick the color of siding, and interior color and overall design. We know what market trends are and what deserving buyers are searching for. Buyer’s pay more for what they find attractive.

2.       Declutter and Depersonalize: Clear out clutter and personal items to create a clean, neutral space that allows potential buyers to envision themselves living in the home. Remove personal photos, excess furniture. Make rooms feel spacious and inviting. Vacant homes sell quicker and for more money buyers can easily envision themselves in the space and create their own.

  • 3.       Deep Clean: Give your home a thorough cleaning, including carpets, windows, walls, and appliances. A clean home not only looks more appealing but also gives the impression that the property has been well-maintained. Think of selling an old car. A nice detail will make a huge difference in the exterior and interior. This is worth the investment.
  • 4.       Make Repairs: We know most sellers aren’t in the business to remove homes, and when they decide to sell their goal is to sell and not improve.  Trust us by addressing some important minor repairs and maintenance issues before listing your home is worth the investment. Fix leaky faucets, squeaky doors, cracked tiles, leaky boiler, noise furnace, damage pool liner, and other visible flaws to present your home in the best possible light.
  • 5.       For new construction, vacant homes, or renovated homes, Stage Your Home: Consider staging your home to highlight its best features and maximize its appeal to potential buyers. Arrange furniture to create an inviting layout, add tasteful decor, color, and ensure each room serves its intended purpose. We have referral to several staging companies at a great price that would make buyers understand the vision for your home.
  • 6.       Price it Right: Set the right asking price for your home based on comparable sales in the area, market conditions, and the home’s condition and features. Not based on how much you love your home. Let’s face it’s your home, it’s priceless. But it has a price and a value in the marketplace to someone else. Hire the best local agent with the best reputation and trust the process. A well-priced home is more likely to attract interested buyers and sell quickly. A home grossly overpriced is never a good marketing strategy.
  • 7.       Market Strategically: Utilize a variety of marketing strategies to reach potential buyers, including MLS listings-this will broadcast your home online everyone, social media, signage, open houses, and print advertising. Ask your agent that you want to see it all. Do not be afraid to ask your agent, what are you going to do to sell my house? Ask for examples.
  • 8.       Highlight Features: Bathroom and Kitchen sells the home. They are the most expensive home in the house. If you are renovating before selling, do what sets your home apart from the competition.
  • 9.       Be Flexible with Showings: Make your home available for showings to accommodate potential buyers’ schedules, including evenings and weekends. The more accessible your home is, the more opportunities you’ll have to attract interested buyers. The first 7-14 days on the market is crucial. Everyone who is qualified to buy your home allows them access. If they can see your home, they are buying someone else’s.
  • 10.   Remember the reason why you hired your realtor. Partner with an experienced real estate agent who understands the local market and can guide you through the selling process. This professional can help you navigate pricing, marketing, negotiations, and closing, ultimately helping you achieve the best possible outcome.

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