Harrison Bonner

Harrison Bonner

Licensed Real Estate Agent, & Investor

Harrison Bonner

Harrison is originally from North Carolina, moved to Massachusetts in January 2016 to pursue a career in real estate. He attended the University of North Carolina at Charlotte where he graduated with degrees in Economics and International Studies in 2014.

In his persut he first became interested in real estate, after working with a contracting company and realizing that owning the property may be sweeter than working on it. After deciding to relocate to Massachusetts to pursue real estate, Harrison became a partner in CC Solutions, a young, Boston-based development company eager to become a prominent player in the Boston real estate market.

On his personal time, Harrison enjoys great company, great food, traveling, skiing, and baseball. He hopes to use the freedom he creates from his real estate business to create more time doings the things he loves most, with the ones he loves most. 

Language(s): English